Tuesday, January 26, 2010

War, Bush, Democrats, Republicans, and the 2010 Election

The Democratic strategy of blaming Pres. Bush worked well in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles. It appears that blaming Bush is no longer working; but what if the Democrats do dust of the old “blame Bush” strategy? What should Republicans do? I have a suggestion.

We should acknowledge the Bush mistakes. We should recognize that Bush supported a costly war that was fought with little support from the regional nations in the Middle East. Yes, I, too, was wrong for supporting the war in 2001. According to Costofwar.com, the war in Iraq since 2001 has cost America over $700 billion. Imagine if we had invested 700 billion into electrical generation facilities. We could have build around 70,000 20 megawatt facilities and generated enough power for 140 million homes. This would have largely solved our energy dependence on the Middle East and stimulated our economy. We would probably not be in a recession at this moment.

But why stop at blaming Bush, it seems that we are still hampered and harmed by the policies of the Great Society that LBJ saddled us with. Republicans ought to blame LBJ and his ill-conceived social policies that have cost 10 times as much as the war in Iraq. It seems that we need to declare war on foolish policies at home before we go and fight expensive wars in other places in the world where we are not wanted.

I maintain that it is time for politicians in both parties to take ownership of the mistakes of the past, correct them, and solve them. I believe the voters want a balanced budget, wise use of funds for social services, a stimulated private sector economy, and a peaceful world through strength. Republicans understand these issues better than the current administration in Washington D.C. that seems ashamed of American greatness.

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