Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Idaho Health Freedom Act II

Rep. Luker is now addressing the body. His argument is that the federal government does not have the power to mandate insurance coverage. This is not an enumerated power or power under the general welfare clause of the Constitution of the U.S.

I find it interesting that this issue, now on the floor of the House, was discussed by several of us in November where Rep. Luker said that he was working on this bill. He has done a good job. The Idaho Legislature has the opportunity to limit federal power. It is a small but important step.

Now, Rep. Higgins is arguing against the bill. She says it might cost money.

This is an interesting debate. Rep. Nielsen is making an argument that states and local units of government can counter federal power.

Rep. Rusche is making an argument against the bill. He is arguing that this is a matter of freedom. He is saying that we will be more free if we are forced to participate in a government program. Rep. Rusche is making a good point that cost of medical care is too expensive in the U.S. Is the medical cost problem because there is not enough government or because there is too much government?

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