Monday, February 15, 2010

MAPP passed to the floor of the House

I am happy to announce that the Mastery Advancement Pilot Project (MAPP) that allows students to challenge classes starting in elementary school and move through the system faster passed out of Committee 16 to 1.

There were some concerns expressed by members of the committee. In the end, most of the concerns were addressed.

In the hall afterward, Luci Willits, who works for Superintendent Tom Luna, expressed concern that MAPP required the State Department of Education to "create" end of course assessments. This would cost millions of dollars. The bill uses the words "identify and adopt end-of-course assessments". This is a different approach that is more cost effective and costs very little.

A special thanks to Lori Shoemaker who testified in favor of the bill. She did a masterful job explaining how the bill would help her child succeed in school. Sandi Powell, a chemistry teacher, testified in favor of the bill explaining how MAPP gives students more choices. John Knickerbocker and a Mr. Turner also testified. Without these citizens helping out, MAPP may have died in committee.

Next on to the House floor sometimes this or next week.

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