Monday, April 12, 2010

Constructive Political Discourse

Constructive political discourse requires an exchange of factual information and basic principles within an historical context between two or more people desiring to understand reality

On the other hand, destructive political discourse involves an exchange of prejudices, "gotcha" moments, and ridicule

The media has long been guilty of modeling the latter by telling half-truths, withholding information, stirring up controversy and marginalizing certain political positions. This media marginalization of certain groups is one of several causes of great frustration on the part of many American citizens trying to petition their government for redress of grievances

I fear that this mixture of media bias and citizen frustration may combine to form a new toxic political extremism. What is political extremism? A comparison between a political extremist and a political realist may be instructive.

A Political Extremist verses A Political Realist

intimidation vs. persuasion
prejudice vs. facts
name calling vs. analysis
emotion vs. principle
anger vs. reason
appeal to frustration vs. appeal to person action
blaming vs. personal accountability
finds problems vs. finds solutions

I maintain that the current political landscape contains few political realists; we need more of them. It is easy to find problems and complain; it is much harder to offer solutions.

Political extremists are found on both sides of the political spectrum. Walter Bayers and Rex Rammell both tend toward political extremism; not because I disagree with their basic political positions; but rather, because they too easily abandon persuasion. Whereas, Keith Allred is a political realist, not because I agree with all of his positions; but rather, because he is willing to use reason, facts, and persuasion. Political extremism, to me, involved both the method of pursuing a political objective as well as what the political objective may be.

I find Idaho politics dominated by political realism. At the national level, however, I find political extremism to be on the increase. The country will be better served if those running for office would embrace political realism and abandon political extremism.

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