Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Response to a Social Workers Questionnaire

To; Mr. Stone: Lobbyist for the National Association of Social Workers;
From; Rep. Steven Thayn District 11

This is in response to your questionnaire.

1. Am I in favor of raising taxes on those that make $250,000 or more?
Answer: No. I don't believe that the problem is not a lack of money. The real problem lies in the nature of social programs that focus on the material needs of individuals rather than on helping them become self-sufficient. While it is true, not all individuals are able to achieve self-sufficiency, most individuals can do something to contribute. Our current system creates more dependency not less. Success should be measured by the number of individuals that don't need the assistance rather than the number of individuals on different programs.
The current system is too expensive and needs to be reformed. Simply increasing the budgets of these programs is not the answer. Already, 63 percent of the federal budget is for human services and is a phase of uncontrolled expansion.

2. Would I support the creation of a state-owned bank in Idaho and the elimination of the state's use of private for-profit banks so that all revenues would go back to the citizens of Idaho?
Answer: I don't know. This is a new issue for me. I would have to learn more about it. However, the question seems to have an anti-profit slant. I find profit a positive thing. In a free market system, people are free to make choices to buy and sell. When profit is taken out of the system, the only thing left is a state controlled economy which leads to less production and widespread poverty.

3. Will you oppose all attempts at restricting a woman's reproductive rights if you are re-elected to the Idaho Legislature?
Answer: I think what you are asking is if a woman should be able to get an abortion at any time. Life is sacred. The Declaration of Independence says that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights that include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe governments are instituted to protect these rights. I would oppose tax funded abortions. I do think there are a few, narrow situations where an abortion could be considered. I do not support unlimited access to abortion at any time during the pregnancy.
In fact, I wonder why this is a question on a National Association of Social Workers questionnaire? How does unlimited access to abortion further the life and liberty and quality of life of individuals. It would seem that you would be interested in teaching the youth the consequences of their actions so that they can make wise and informed choices.

4. What are your top three priorities if re-elected to the Idaho Legislature?
First, help implement House Bill 493 which I wrote and allows students beginning in elementary school to challenge classes, graduate early, and get a couple of years of college completed before age 18 and while still at home saving them and the state money. This will improve their later standard of living.
Second: Stimulate the private sector of the economy (logging, mining, agriculture, manufacturing, and energy production) so as to lower unemployment rates and create a stable tax base by reducing environmental regulations.
Third: Reform the entitlement system so that it recognizes the importance of the two parent family. I would like to see the number of children raised by two biological parents increase so as to reduce poverty, abuse, and crime.


Rep. Steven Thayn

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